1-4-4-9-zamena-shhetok-ochistitelya-vetrovogo-stekla.html Replacement of brushes of a cleaner of a windscreenPollution as windscreen, and edges of brushes of a screen wiper alien substances can reduce quality of purification of glass. Insects treat similar pollution, the juice allocated by leaves of trees, and also polyroles which are put in a hot condition on a car body on some automobile sinks, for example.
If brushes do not provide good purification of glass, wash out glass and edges of brushes an effective cleaner or soft detergent, then carefully rinse them pure water. If necessary repeat processing of glass and brushes.
If the screen wiper any more does not provide high quality of purification of glass, the possible reason is wear or cracks of edges of brushes. Replace worn-out edges or brushes.
1. Lift the lever of a screen wiper and turn a brush concerning the hinge so to open access to a plastic pad of a clamp.
Fig. 1.187. Scheme of replacement of brushes of a cleaner of a windscreen
Shift a brush down (on an arrow, as is shown in drawing 1.187). Then remove a brush from the screen wiper lever.
2. Unbend down the end of a rubber edge and extend it from the holder.
3. Take out spring edges from a rubber edge and insert them into a new edge of a brush.
4. Carefully insert a new rubber edge. Then establish a brush assembled on the screen wiper lever, operating in return sequence.
Do not bend and do not throw out spring edges. They are subject to a reuse. If not to establish in an edge spring edges, quality of purification of glass can worsen. It is forbidden to use the spring edges which have been removed from the left brush of a screen wiper, for installation in the right brush, and on the contrary. Be convinced of installation of spring edges in a new edge of a brush of a screen wiper in order that the bend of an edge remained same, as with an old edge.