8-1-4-1-snyatie-i-ustanovka-kapota.html Removal and cowl installationDisconnect a hose of a stekloomyvatel.
To remove a cowl loop, remove the panel of a forward wing.
To remove the cowl lock, remove a lattice on a radiator.
To remove a rope of the lock of a cowl, remove an antisplash casing from the driver.
Fig. 8.10. Cowl removal: 1–cowl insulator; 2–casing sealant; 3–sealant division; 4–cowl; 5–cowl loop; 6–cowl support; 7–the socket of the switch of a cowl (with security system); 8–cowl lock; 9–squeezing cowl lever; 10-rope of the lock of a cowl
Establish as it should be, the return to removal.
Adjust the provision of a cowl.