1-1-12-9-programmirovanie-s-pomoshhyu-karty-sistemy-advanced-key.html Programming by means of the Advanced Key system cardProgramming.
Individual control of a seat can be programmed by means of the nosimy card which enters into an Advanced Key system set, or by means of a remote control with a harmonious key.
Settings of a seat can be programmed only under following conditions:
– the switch of ignition is in the situation "LOCK" (blocking), thus an auxiliary key / a collapsible key should be taken out from the ignition switch;
– the driver's door is open.
1 Establish a seat in demanded situation. The description of adjustments of a driver's seat in the various directions see on the following pages: longitudinal adjustment of a seat, adjustment of an inclination of a back, seat adjustment on height and an inclination of a pillow,
2. If the driver's door is closed, open it.
3. Having pressed and holding the SET button, at the same time press and hold in the pressed situation the button of unlocking of the locks, located on a remote control that the short sound signal was distributed.
Automatic installation of a driver's seat in the programmed situation.
Unlock locks of doors by means of the panel which enters into an Advanced Key system set, or by means of the panel with a harmonious key. Then open водительскю a door.
Cleaning of memory of the programmed device.
At performance given below conditions press and hold in the pressed situation the button of locking of locks on a remote control to hear a short sound signal.
– The switch of ignition is in the situation "LOCK" (blocking), thus an auxiliary key / a collapsible key should be taken out from the ignition switch;
– The driver's door is open.
Cleaning of memory of the programmed device of a driver's seat is made also in the following cases:
– at change of codes of electronic anticreeping system (immobilizer).
– at disconnection of the storage battery from an onboard network of the car (in a maintenance time or for other reasons).