Mazda 6 since 2002
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
7.1. General information
7.2. Power supply system
7.3. Lighting system
7.4. Screen wipers and stekloomyvatel
7.5. Immobilizer
7.6. Central panel and loudspeakers
7.7. Combination of devices and governing bodies
7.8. System of passive safety
7.8.1. General information
7.8.2. Module of a lateral safety cushion
7.8.3. Seat belts Instructions on use of seat belts Mode of automatic blocking of delivery of a belt
7.8.4. A seat belt with a prednatyazhitel
8. Body

7-8-3-2-rezhim-avtomaticheskojj-blokirovki-vydachi-remnya.html Mode of automatic blocking of delivery of a belt

At installation and fastening of children's holding devices it is necessary to switch the inertial coil in a mode of automatic blocking. It will prevent dangerous moving of the children's holding device at a road accident. To include a mode of automatic blocking, completely extend a seat belt from the inertial coil. Then fix a seat belt the children's holding device, following instructions of the manufacturer of a concrete product. The seat belt will draw the children's holding device and remains in the blocked condition.

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7.8.4. A seat belt with a prednatyazhitel