7-5-3-1-zamena-ili-registraciya-dopolnitelnogo-klyucha.html Replacement or registration of an additional key
If there are no additional indications of rather time interval, is not given, carry out each operation during 30 with the ambassador of the previous.
Fig. 7.79. If the client has only one or has no operating keys
1. Make a new key (and) with the respondent.
2. Using a key 1, establish the ignition switch in the situation ON.
А) Watch work of a control lamp of security system in a combination of devices.
Б) After the control lamp of security system will be switched off, turn a key 1 in the situation LOCK during 2 SI take out it from the lock.
3. Repeat point 2 with a key 2.
4. Repeat point 2 with a key 3.
5. If there are 4–8 keys (operating and/or new), repeat point 2.
1. Make a new key (and) with the respondent in case of need.
2. Connect the special adaptation (WDS or analog).
3. Using a key 1, establish the ignition switch in the situation ON.
Operating key: the control lamp of security system lights up, then approximately through 3 сгаснет.
New key: the control lamp of security system lights up. Approximately through 1 минвыводится the diagnostic B1601 code (a diagnostic code 15).
A.Vypolnite confirmation of access to safety system.
B.Vyberite «Removal of a code of the ignition key».
Do not choose any other command from this menu.
V.Povernite a key 1 in the situation LOCK not earlier than through 1 page.
G.Povernite a key 1 in the situation ON not earlier than through 1 page. Approximately through 1 минвыводится the diagnostic B1213 code (a diagnostic code 21)
D.Ubedites in that the control lamp of security system burns, then turn a key 1 in the situation LOCK.
E.Vynte a key 1 from the ignition lock.
4. Using a key 2, turn the ignition switch in the situation ON not earlier than through 1 page. The control lamp of security system should burn (during about 3 c).
Be convinced of that the control lamp of security system burns, then turn a key 2 in the situation LOCK and take out it from the ignition lock.
5. Repeat point 4 with a key 3.
6. If there are 4–8 keys (operating and/or new), repeat point 5.
7. After repeated programming clear diagnostic codes of the PCM block by means of the special adaptation (WDS or analog).