2-3-1-6-snyatie-i-ustanovka-maslyanogo-nasosa.html Removal and installation of the oil pumpDisconnect a negative wire of the storage battery.
Merge engine oil.
Remove the oil pallet.
Remove cетчатый the oil filter.
Remove directing to a chain of the oil pump.
Remove a natyazhitel of a chain of the oil pump.
Remove a spring of a natyazhitel of a chain of the oil pump.
Remove a chain of the oil pump.
Remove an asterisk of the oil pump
Remove the oil pump.
Installation make as it should be, the return to removal.
Check level of engine oil.
Start the engine and check absence of leakage of oil. In the presence of leak define a defective detail and repair or replace it.
Check pressure of oil.
Fig. 2.209. Components of the oil pump: 1–mesh oil filter; 2–directing to a chain of the oil pump; 3–natyazhitel of a chain of the oil pump; 4–spring of a natyazhitel of a chain of the oil pump; 5–chain of the oil pump; 6–asterisk of the oil pump; 7–oil pump; 8–bolts