1-1-10-11-rabota-avtomaticheskojj-sistemy-upravleniya-mikroklimatom.html Work of an automatic control system as a microclimatePress the AUTO switch (an automatic mode). Thus the choice of a mode of distribution of air, switching of modes of ventilation and regulation of frequency of rotation of the fan will be automatically carried out.
By means of a regulator of temperature establish desirable air temperature in salon. To switch off climate control system, press the OFF switch to (switch off).
To provide the most comfortable conditions in car salon, set temperature of 22 °C. If necessary correct an air temperature preset value. Installation of the maximum or minimum value of temperature does not reduce time of achievement of desirable temperature in car salon. If the car engine cold, at heater work supply of air in salon is temporarily limited until conditions of heating of air will be provided. It is provided to exclude receipt in salon of cold air through ventilating lattices and nozzles.