Mazda 6 since 2002
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
7.1. General information
7.2. Power supply system
7.2.1. Storage battery Check of degree of a zaryazhennost of the battery Charging of the storage battery A charging of completely discharged battery room of the battery Care of the storage battery Storage of the storage battery Check of completely charged battery room of the battery Removal and installation of the storage battery
7.2.2. Generator
7.2.3. Starter
7.3. Lighting system
7.4. Screen wipers and stekloomyvatel
7.5. Immobilizer
7.6. Central panel and loudspeakers
7.7. Combination of devices and governing bodies
7.8. System of passive safety
8. Body

7-2-1-7-snyatie-i-ustanovka-akkumulyatornojj-batarei.html Removal and installation of the storage battery

At shutdown of the storage battery from memory of the central block of a control system of the engine and a transmission, anti-blocking system of brakes, and also from memory of some other electrodevices, for example, a radio receiver and hours data on taking place malfunctions are erased. After connection anew program the corresponding devices. Some serially established radio receivers have a protective code. Which prevents unauthorized use of a radio receiver if its food was disconnected. A food of a radio receiver and hours is disconnected, if the storage battery, for example, is disconnected, the receiver acts in film or fuses the corresponding safety lock.
Unscrew nuts and disconnect the "negative" plug and then the "positive" plug from the storage battery.
Unscrew a nut of fastening of an arm of the storage battery.
Remove an arm of support of the storage battery.
Remove the storage battery.
Before installation clear polar conclusions of the storage battery, the brass wire brush for this purpose will approach. For prevention of corrosion cover battery conclusions with special greasing.
Installation of the storage battery carry out to sequences, return to removal.
Tighten a nut of fastening of an arm of the storage battery the moment of 6-8 N · m.
Tighten nuts of fastening of plugs of the storage battery the moment of 9-12 N · m.

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7.2.2. Generator