Mazda 6 since 2002
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
7.1. General information
7.2. Power supply system
7.3. Lighting system
7.4. Screen wipers and stekloomyvatel
7.5. Immobilizer
7.6. Central panel and loudspeakers
7.7. Combination of devices and governing bodies
7.7.1. System of indication and alarm system
7.7.2. Security system
7.7.3. Module of the central panel
7.7.4. Remote control and panel nest
7.8. System of passive safety
8. Body


7.7.2. Security system

Fig. 7.95. Assembly diagram of security system: 1–module of management of security system; 2–the switch of a reminder on the ignition key left in the lock; 3–breaker of indexes of turn and alarm system; 4–turn index; 5–switch of the alarm system; 6–block of the timer of the lock of a door; 7–siren of the security alarm system; 8–sensor of the security alarm system; 9–switch of the lock of a door of the driver; 10-combination of devices; 11-safety lamp; 12-trailer switch of a door (party of the driver); 13-the trailer switch of a door (except the party of the driver); 14-switch of the lock of a door of the passenger; 15-switch of the lock of a back door (right); 16-switch of the lock of a back door (left); 17-switch of a plafond of illumination of a motor compartment (4SD), switch of a plafond of a luggage compartment (5HB); 18-trailer switch of a cowl; 19-relay of inclusion of a sound signal; 20-sound signal

Assembly diagram of security system is shown on fig. 7.95.

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7.7.1. System of indication and alarm system
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7.7.3. Module of the central panel